
Archive for December, 2009

Loved One and I took Sweet Child to a regularly schedualed Dr appointment today.

We were informed that although Sweet Child doesn’t need a feeding tube yet it’s only a matter of time and we need to get used to the idea.

S.Child was gainning weight and got sick two days ago and is now not eating again. We were doing so well. I just don’t feel like I can take this. On top of that I’ve been reading about other peole and thier suffering and deaths and triumphs.

Can I really be strong enough for this? I don’t want to have to be this strong! When I was a child I always said I was going to grow up to be big and strong. I thought if I grew tall enough and was physically strong enough I wouldn’t ever get hurt. Now I know the worst pains can’t be avioded by physical prowess.

We came home for lunch and I tryed to talk, and pleade with Sweet Child to eat. Just to tast. Nothing.

This is beyond me. How do I save my child?

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